CBT Bimbel One

by Watulintang Media



The Bimbel One CBT application is a Computer-Based Test (CBT) platform specifically developed to assist examinees in conducting online exam practice. This application provides various kinds of exam questions that are in accordance with the education curriculum in Indonesia, so that examinees can practice their skills in answering exam questions effectively and efficiently.In the CBT Bimbel One application, there are several features that can assist examinees in conducting online exam practice. These features include:1. Complete Question Bank: This application provides a complete and structured question bank, so that examinees can choose questions according to the level of difficulty and the subject to be tested.2. Exam Simulation: Examinees can carry out exam simulations online, so that they can experience a more real exam experience and find out their ability to answer exam questions.3. Analysis of Examination Results: After carrying out the practice exam, examinees can view the results of the analysis of the exam they took. This helps examinees to find out their weaknesses and strengths in answering exam questions.4. Discussion of Questions: This application also provides discussion of questions, so that examinees can learn how to answer questions correctly.The CBT Bimbel One application is very suitable for students or students who want to improve their ability to answer exam questions. By using this application, examinees can do online exam practice more easily and efficiently.